Have you ever looked at someones haircut and notice something just didn’t seem right? You’re not the only one! Head shape makes a big difference in how one haircut may look great on one person and horrific on another. This is something your barber or stylist should take into account when it comes to finding a new style for you.

“The key to a finding a suitable look depends on your facial proportions and angles (or lack thereof). Depending on your face shape (see below) there may be certain things you’ll want to highlight…and, of course, certain things you’ll want to hide.” says AskMen.com. Unfortunately this means finding a new haircut may not be as easy as looking on Pinterest. Determining your face shape is easy and is a great start to figuring out what would look best on you! The Ask Men article linked above has a great visual guide to face shapes!

Another point to take into consideration is your hair texture. Is your hair curly or straight, fine, medium, or thick? “Once you know your hair type, it is then time to tweak your hair-grooming routine and hair-care strategy, for each of the hair types requires a slightly-different approach to how their owner must go about managing the hair.” Says MensHairBlog.com

Now that you understand the importance of your face shape, head shape, and hair texture..these are just a few things that your barber/stylist should take into consideration when it comes to finding a new style.